Run Soft.
TTC hosts a Wednesday morning community run at a conversational pace called Soft Hour.
This run is free and open to all who are interested--stayed tuned on our Instagram for weekly locations.
“While running is certainly a large part of the culture here, many individuals refute the categorization of being a “runner.” People often exclaim that they are not fast enough, they only run a few days a week, or it is just for fun; therefore they are “not a runner.” The word becomes even harder to distinguish in a town painted black and white between people running to be the best in the world at their discipline and people running casually for fitness. In a city centered around the uber elite, it is often difficult for the recreationalist to feel accepted or embraced by the sport. The Track Club falls somewhere in the middle and is working on filling that awkward grey space with a bit of color.
That is why we invented Soft Hour.”
—Erin Osgood and Brian Schroy, Chief Ice Cream Scoopers and Founders of The Track Club and the Soft Hour movement.